Credit cards are a very comfortable way to pay, but they can also get lost or stolen quite easily. Always keep track of how much money you spend with your credit card and keep all the receipts of your payments, so you can check at home if everything is correct. If not, tell your bank and you usually you will get the money replaced. Don't forget to have an alternative method of payment for your InterRail tour. A credit card can be damaged or break and then it's over.
The secret reserve. I always have 100 EURO with me in cash. You never know, sometimes you can't find a cash machine or the cash machine doesn't accept your credit card. I have my cash either in a sock or in a little bag inside of my belt. An empty can is also a good place, nobody will look there for your money.
travellers cheques or traveller cheque cards
Either cheques in paper or as a plastic card. You can get them from your bank before you start your trip. They can be used in some stores or you can exchange them for cash at banks in foreign countries. The advantage: if someone steals your cheques, your bank will replace them free of charge. The disadvantage: in small banks in the countryside they might not know what a traveller cheque is and it can take hours until you get your money. This has happened to me on more than one occasion.
bank card or maestro card
In the last years I have mostly used my Maestro bank card on the cash machines all over Europe. It is easy and safe. You can also find cash machines where you pay 3 or 4 EURO to get money nearly everywhere. It is useful to have your bank's phone number with you in case your bank card is stolen, just call and ask them to block your card.
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